Wanna make your own app?

In order to do that, you need two things:

  • A phone screen

  • A phone.application.Application object (not necessary but if you want your app to appear on the phone screen then yes you need this)

The _phone screen

To create a phone screen, simply use the _phone screen, intended as base for all phone screen.

screen my_phone_screen():
    use _phone():
        # your screen code goes there

The _phone screen has 5 parameters:

  • xpos The xpos of the phone.

  • ypos The ypos of the phone.

  • xanchor The xanchor of the phone.

  • yanchor The yanchor of the phone.

  • horizontal If true, the phone is displayed horizontally. If false, it is displayed vertically.

Once you’ve coded your screen, simply call it with phone.call_screen or the PhoneMenu action and there you go!


If you want your app to appear on the phone screen, you need to create a phone.application.Application object and add it to your *character*s.

The following functions and classes are defined in the phone.application namespace.

class Application(object)

def __init__(self, name, icon, action)

  • name A string. The name of the app.

  • icon A phone.application.Icon or phone.application.GradientBackground object.

  • action An action to run when clicking on the app (most of the time it’s a PhoneMenu action, but any valid action works).

def Icon(d, size=None, background=None)

Retuns a displayable used as icon for applications. d is a displayable to add on to the icon. size is the size that displayable takes. background, if not None, is a phone.application.IconBackground or phone.application.GradientBackground object displayed behind d.

def GradientBackground(start_color, end_color, theta=0)

Retuns a phone.application.IconBackground object with a Gradient as displayable.

def IconBackground(d, **kwargs)

Returns d with rounded corners of size gui.phone_application_icon_size.


init python:
    my_app = phone.application.Application(
        "my application",
        phone.application.GradientBackground("#5bf676", "#04be25"),

Now that you’ve done this, it’s time to add the app to the *character*s you’ve defined, using those two functions.

def add_application(app, page=0, key=None)

Adds the application app to the known applications for *character* key. Returns True if it succesfully added the app, False if it failed, or None if Ren’Py is still in init phase.

def add_app_to_all_characters(app, page=0)

Same as above but for every *character* known at execution time.

To add the app you’ve created, simply


and ta-da, your app should appear on the phone screen.


def move_application(start, end, key=None)

start/end are 3-tuples containing a page, a column and a row. They represent the start/end point. This function swaps the application of coordinates start with the one of coordinates end.