
This framework comes with a built-in emoji system (used in text messages but I guess creators can find usage elsewhere).

The following functions are defined in the phone.emojis namespace.

This namespace is considered *constant* and should not be modified outside of init time.

def add(name, emoji)

This function adds an emoji to the list of known emojis. It take a string name (which amy only contain letters, numbers and underscores) and a displayable emoji.

def get(name)

Returns the emoji with the name name. Raises a KeyError in case the emoji wasn’t found.

A custom text tag is also defined: the emoji text tag.

"This framework is {emoji=poggers}!" will use the poggers emoji. The displayable will be scaled up or down so that it fits in a line of text.

def format_emoji_tag(s)

This function formats the string s by replacing each emoji text tag with a more readable version (basically it replaces the tag with how you’d write it in discord).

phone.emoji.format_emoji_tag("This framework is {emoji=poggers}!")
>>> "This framework is :poggers:!"
Default emojis include:
  • The most used twemojis

  • Some emojis from the Doki Doki Undercurrents discord server.