
probably the longest part of the doc have fun


The following functions and variables are defined in the phone.discussion namespace.

def remove_text_tags(s)

Formats the emoji text tag in s according to phone.emojis.format_emoji_tag and removes all other text tags.

def discussion(gc)

Starts a discussion with the *group chat* gc. If None is passed, the current group chat is used. The python equivalent of the phone discussion statement.

def end_discussion()

Ends the current discussion. The python equivalent of the phone end discussion statement.

def message(sender, message, delay=None)

Sends a message by the *character* sender to the current group chat. Text tags should not be used. Pauses for delay seconds after the message’s been saved. The python equivalent of the default discussion statement.

def image(sender, image, time=2.0, delay=None)

Sends an image by the *character* sender to the current group chat. time is the time the image is being sent for. The python equivalent of the image discussion statement.

def label(label, delay=0.5)

Adds a label to the current group chat. The python equivalent of the label discussion statement.

def date(month, day, year, hour, minute, second, delay=0.5, auto=False)

Adds a date as label to the current group chat. The date is saved to the group chat using datetime.datetime. If any of these values are None, they are taken from the currently saved date. If any of these values are True, they are taken from the date returned by phone.system.get_date(). If auto is true, sets every values to True. The python equivalent of the time discussion statement.

def typing(sender, value, delay=None)

Simulates the *character* sender typing for value seconds. If value is a string, sender.get_typing_delay is called. The python equivalent of the type discussion statement.

def choice(captions, delay=0.3)

Causes a choice to occur inside the phone, and returns the caption that has been chosen. captions is a list of strings. The python equivalent of the menu discussion statement.

def audio(sender, audio, time=2.0, delay=None)

Sends an audio by the *character* sender to the current group chat. time is the time the audio is being sent for.

def register_message(group, sender, text)

Saves a message sent by the *character* sender in the *group chat* group. This is called automatically by the phone.discussion.message function. The python equivalent of the default register statement.

def register_image(group, sender, image)

Saves an image sent by the *character* sender in the *group chat* group. This is called automatically by the phone.discussion.image function. The python equivalent of the image register statement.

def register_label(group, label)

Saves a label in the *group chat* group. This is called automatically by the phone.discussion.label function. The python equivalent of the label register statement.

def register_date(group, month, day, year, hour, minute, second, auto=False)

Saves a date in the *group chat* group. This is called automatically by the phone.discussion.date function. The python equivalent of the time register statement.

def register_audio(group, sender, audio)

Saves an audio sent by the *character* sender in the *group chat* group. This is called automatically by the phone.discussion.audio function. The python equivalent of the audio register statement.

def sort_messages(key)

Sorts the group chats of the *character* key in descending order according to their last registered date.

The statements

The framework comes with its load of custom statements aiming at making it easier to use.

The discussion statements

phone discussion

Used to start a phone discussion. If a simple expression is given, it must be a *group chat*. If no simple expression is given (or that None is given), it’s assumed that a discussion is already going on, and will therefore use the current group chat.

If a block is given, the following statements can be used:

  • `` ``

    The default statement, equivalent of the phone.discussion.message function. It expects a *character* and a string (flagged as translatable). It accepts the delay property (defaults to None) which is the time to wait before the next statement executes. A None delay will wait for user input. A negative value delay won’t wait.

  • image

    The equivalent of the phone.discussion.image function. It expects a *character* and a simple expression (the image). It accepts the time property (defaults to 2.0), which is the time the image is being sent for.

  • label

    The equivalent of the phone.discussion.label function. It expects a string (the string is flagged as being translatable). It also accepts the delay property (defaults to 0.5).

  • time

    The equivalent of the phone.discussion.date function. It expects at least one of the following property; year, month, day, hour, minute, second; which can be a number, None or True, as well as the auto property. If one of these is missing, it is retrieved from the current date registered. It also accepts the delay property (defaults to 0.5).

  • type

    The equivalent of the phone.discussion.typing function. It expects a *character* and a value property, which can be a number or a string. The string is NOT flagged as translatable. It also accepts the delay property (defaults to None).

  • if/elif/else

    Does exactly what you’d expect from this statement.

  • menu

    The equivalent of the phone.discussion.choice function. It expects a block which can contain the following: The delay property, which has to be given before the menu items (defaults to 0.3). A series of menuitems. A menuitem is a string (flagged as translatable) which may be followed by an if clause and a simple expression. If the expression is false, the choice won’t appear. The line ends with a colon : and must be followed by a block that contains any of the phone discussion statements.

  • $

    The one-line python statement. Executes code in the global store.

  • python

    Works the same way as the normal python statement except for one thing: If the in clause is given, the substore is created at init 0, unlike the regular python statement which does it at early time.

  • pass

    Does nothing.

  • pause

    Same as the regular pause statement.

If no block is given, it behaves as if a single pass statement was given.

phone end discussion

Used to end a phone discussion. It doesn’t expect anything.

The register statements

phone register

Used to register messages in a group chat. It expects a *group chat* and a block (see the part above). It doesn’t accept the type, menu, $ nor python statements, nor the properties related to time (delay, time, cps …).

init phone register

Used to register messages in a group chat at init time and / or create a new group chat. The statement is run at init priority 700.

If a *group chat* is given, it behaves the same way as the phone register statement. If no *group chat* is given, the block expects a define clause.

The define clause expects a string, the name of the group chat, and a block which can contain the following statements:

  • add

    Expects a *character*. Will add this *character* to the group chat when created.

  • key

    Expects a simple expression. The key of the group chat.

  • icon

    Expects a displayable. The icon of the group chat.

  • as

    Expects a dotted name. The group chat will be saved in the global store under this name (as if the group chat was manually created using the default statement).

  • transient

    Optional. If present, the group chat becomes transient. Transient group chats are cleared once the discussion is over.


# create two phone Character objects
default phone_sayori = phone.character.Character("Sayori", phone.asset("sayori_icon.png"), "s", 21,   "#22Abf8")
default phone_mc = phone.character.Character("MC", phone.asset("mc_icon.png"), "mc", 35, "#484848")

# create a group chat manually
default mc_sayo_gc = phone.group_chat.GroupChat("Sayori", phone.asset("sayori_icon.png"), "mc_sayo"). add_character("mc").add_character("s")

# create another group chat using `init phone register`
# and add a few messages
init phone register:
    define "goofy ahh chat":
        icon phone.asset("sayori_icon.png") key "goofy"
        add "mc" add "s" as goofy

    time month 1 day 26 year 2013 hour 14 minute 31
    "mc" "Ah!"
    "s" "Boo!"
    "mc" "Ah!"

label phone_discussion_test:
    scene expression "#fdfdfd"
    phone register mc_sayo_gc:  # using the group chat object directly
        time month 5 day 12 year 2015 hour 20 minute 40
        image "s" Solid("#000", xysize=(50, 50))
        "s" "oops"

    "A message from Sayori?"

    phone discussion "mc_sayo": # using the gc's key

    "... Really now?"

    phone discussion: # no gc. uses the one used before
            "a square?":
                "mc" "a square?"
            "a black square?":
                "mc" "a black square?"


    phone discussion:
        time minute 50 # year, month, day, hour are all taken from the date before
        "s" "missinput"
    phone end discussion

    "What an airhead..."
